This is kind of embarressing that it is so late, but better late than never:
This Christmas season we made some gingerbread houses at the Peterson's. Shortly into the process we discovered that our house had a construction error. The gingerbread was way too soft. So salvaging what we could, our house went from a house (the left) to a tippee (the right). It did have the advantage of less surface area to cover though, so we were not too sad about that. Trying to save it was quite the feat though. We used stilts, hot glue guns and spare pieces of gingerbread... but it just was too soft and bowed on every wall.
Garrett and Christine's masterpiece |
Christmas Eve means costumes come out and the nativity is reenacted. Here I am holding my sheep. I think Lily really wanted to be a sheep just so she could say, "Baa!"
grumpy sheep |
The shepards and a sheep |
Our sheep deserted and became a wise man |
Our new sheep |
Christmas Day:
Paul's favorite shirt was a little bit too worn. So for Christmas, I ordered him a new one and made him a BYU blanket. (Thanks for the help everyone, especially Diana who helped keep it a secret).
Paul gave me tons of gardening stuff: buckets, pots, magazines, seeds and a bamboo plant :D